Tulsa Public Schools conducts its programs and activities guided by the district's vision, mission, goals, values and belief statements.
MISSION AND VISION: Tulsa Public Schools is the destination for extraordinary educators who work with our community and families to ignite the joy of learning and prepare every student for the greatest success in college, careers and life. Our mission is to inspire and prepare every student to love learning, achieve ambitious goals and make positive contributions to our world.
Superintendent: Dr. Deborah A. Gist
Grades: PreK-12
Total Students As of Oct.1, 2016 | 38,628 |
American Indian | 5% |
Asian | 2% |
African American | 25% |
Hispanic | 33% |
Caucasian | 25% |
Pacific Islander | 0% |
Multiracial | 9% |
Female | 49% |
Male | 51% |
IEP | 5.6% |
Gifted and Talented | 11% |
English Language Learner | 19% |
Free / Reduced Lunch | 73% |
Student Attendance 15-16 | 93% |
Doctorate Degrees | 55 |
Masters Degrees | 1,014 |
Bachelor Degrees | 1,802 |
National Board Certified | 142 |
Experienced (11+ Years) | 1,484 |
Teacher Attendance (15-16) | 93% |
Minority | 693 |
Female | 2,318 |
Male | 555 |
Student To Teacher Ratio | 13.4:1 |
To enroll, visit www.TulsaSchools.org/Enroll
For careers, visit www.TulsaSchools.org/Careers
To learn about our school board: visit www.TulsaSchools.org/Board
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