Primary Contact: Rochelle Klein
Phone: 918-746-6830
Twitter: @TPSGrants
The Grant Development Office provides technical assistance to school and department grant writers including: maintaining Grant Opportunities to help writers find appropriate sources for applications, managing the Grant Application / Award Process, reviewing proposals for clarity, assisting in demographic data collection, and obtaining authorized signatures.
Contact the Grant Development Office to schedule a Grant Writing Workshop at your school. No group is too big or too small.
For projects with budgets over $10,000 and those that impact multiple district departments or school sites, the Grant Development Coordinator works with district staff and community partners to write proposals. These proposals often involve federal or state funding and require the approval of the TPS administration.
The Grant Development Office serves as a communication link between the district and community partners working on grant proposals. Communication is necessary to inform appropriate TPS departments about large proposals, coordinate appropriate channels of grant approval, increase possibilities for partnerships, and guard against unnecessary duplication.
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