The mission of Tulsa Public Schools' Exceptional Student Support department is to uphold excellence and high expectations with a commitment to all. We are committed to identifying and meeting the diverse needs of each student through individualized educational programming. It is our mission to work cooperatively with families, students, community, colleagues, and other professionals in order to promote each student's success and well-being as he/she prepares for future endeavors.
Do you have an Exceptional Student Support question? Need help with paperwork? Call the Tulsa Public Schools immediate assistance helpline for special education at 918-746-6376.
Regular classroom
speech-language modifications
Teacher request for speech
observation form
SLP observation of classroom
speech-language skills
Language Rating Scale
Articulation Rating Scale
Parent/Teacher Handout: Common Characteristics of
Speech-Language Disorders
Parent Handout: Developing Your Child's Language
Parent Handout: Help Improve Your Child's Speech
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