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The Official Website of Tulsa Public Schools


Salary Schedules

The mission of Tulsa Public Schools' Compensation and Benefits department is to attract, motivate and retain talent in the Tulsa Public School system. We strive for job satisfaction, motivation, low absenteeism and low turnover. In providing our employees with peace of mind, we hope to provide the kind of self-confidence that results in excellence and high expectations with a commitment to all.

administrative salaries

Educational Grade Compensation Schedule

Full Year (12 Month Contract): 2017-2018
EG-14 / EL-12 110,000 137,500 165,000
EG-13 / EL-11 102,300 127,900 153,500
EG-12 / EL-10 95,000 118,800 142,600
EG-11 / EL-09 88,200 110,300 132,400
EG-10 / EL-08 81,800 102,300 122,800
EG-09 / EL-07 76,000 95,000 114,000
EG-08 / EL-06 70,500 88,100 105,700
EG-07 / EL-05 65,600 82,000 98,400
EG-06 / EL-04 60,900 76,100 91,300
EG-05 / EL-03 56,500 70,600 84,700
EG-04 / EL-02 52,500 65,600 78,700
EG-03 / EL-01 48,700 60,900 73,100
EG-02 47,476 57,100 68,500
EG-01 47,476 53,600 64,300



Business Grade Compensation Schedule

Full Year (12 Month Contract): 2016-2017
14 111,800 139,800 167,800
13 99,700 124,600 149,500
12 88,900 111,100 133,300
11 79,100 98,900 118,700
10 70,500 88,100 105,700
9 63,000 78,700 94,400
8 56,000 70,000 84,000
7 50,000 62,500 75,000
6 47,476 55,600 66,700
5 39,600 49,500 59,400
4 35,400 44,200 53,000
3 31,500 39,400 47,300
2 28,000 35,000 42,000
1 25,000 31,300 37,600
B 24,400 30,500 36,600
A 21,800 27,200 32,600



Executive Grade Compensation Schedule

Full Year (12 Month Contract): 2016-2017
8 140,600 175,700 210,800
7 132,600 165,700 198,800
6 125,100 156,400 187,700
5 118,100 147,600 177,100
4 111,400 139,300 167,200
3 105,000 131,300 157,600
2 99,100 123,900 148,700
1 93,500 116,900 140,300



support salaries

Support Salary

Clerical Administrative, Instructional Support, Manual Trades

A 8.29 9.38 10.47
01 8.61 9.91 11.21
02 8.98 10.37 11.75
03 9.35 10.84 12.32
04 9.77 11.37 12.94
05 10.19 11.89 13.57
06 10.68 12.46 14.24
07 11.21 13.08 14.95
08 11.74 13.70 15.68
09 12.26 14.36 16.46
10 12.85 15.06 17.28
11 13.49 15.82 18.17
12 14.13 16.60 19.06
13 14.76 17.39 20.00
14 15.50 18.25 21.00
15 16.25 19.14 22.04
16 17.04 20.09 23.13
17 17.93 21.09 24.25
18 18.82 22.14 25.46



Technical Specialized

01 10.68 12.46 14.24
02 11.21 13.08 14.95
03 11.74 13.70 15.68
04 12.26 14.36 16.46
05 12.85 15.06 17.28
06 13.49 15.82 18.17
07 14.13 16.60 19.06
08 14.76 17.39 20.00
09 15.50 18.25 21.00
10 16.25 19.14 22.04
11 17.04 20.09 23.13
12 17.93 21.09 24.25
13 18.82 22.14 25.46



Career Increments

The following will be added to the appropriate step of the salary schedule at the beginning of:

15 years of creditable service $.50/hour
20 years of creditable service $.50/hour
25 years of creditable service $.50/hour
30 years of creditable service $.50/hour
35 years of creditable service $.50/hour
40 years of creditable service $.50/hour




teacher salaries

Teacher Salary

2017-2018 Teacher Salary Schedule

Step Bachelors Masters M+30 M+60 Doctorate
0 32,900 33,956 34,964 36,005 37,105
1 33,300 34,366 35,384 36,605 37,705
2 33,700 34,776 35,794 37,015 38,115
3 34,100 35,176 36,194 37,415 38,515
4 34,500 35,576 36,694 37,825 38,925
5 34,900 35,976 37,094 38,235 39,335
6 35,300 36,376 37,494 38,635 39,735
7 35,700 36,796 37,914 39,045 40,145
8 36,300 37,406 38,524 39,645 40,745
9 36,800 37,916 39,034 40,155 41,255
10 37,200 38,326 39,444 40,555 41,655
11 37,610 38,986 40,614 42,255 43,335
12 38,020 39,476 41,114 42,725 43,825
13 38,660 40,286 41,914 43,545 44,645
14 39,370 41,206 42,834 44,455 45,555
15 40,190 42,216 43,844 45,475 46,575
16 40,800 42,936 44,864 46,485 47,585
17 42,220 44,406 46,434 48,085 49,161
18 43,430 45,016 47,154 48,785 49,881
19 43,930 45,526 47,714 49,335 50,441
20 44,430 46,736 48,374 49,995 51,101
21 45,130 47,236 49,134 50,755 51,861
22 45,630 47,736 50,344 51,975 53,071
23 46,130 48,436 50,844 52,475 53,571
24 46,630 48,936 51,544 53,175 54,271
25 47,130 49,436 52,044 53,675 54,771
26 47,630 49,936 52,544 54,175 55,271
27 48,130 50,436 53,044 54,675 55,771
28 48,630 50,936 53,544 55,175 56,271
29 49,130 51,436 54,044 55,675 56,771
30 49,630 51,936 54,544 56,175 57,271
31   52,436 55,044 56,675 57,771
32   52,936 55,544 57,175 58,271
33     56,044 57,675 58,771
34     56,544 58,175 59,271

The above amounts will be increased by $1,000 for Teachers who hold current NBC certification. However, if it was attained before June 30, 2013, they are eligible to receive from the State Department of Education an annual $5,000 bonus for 10 years measured from the date they received the NBC as long as they continue to teach full time in the classroom for TPS and their national board certification remains current. Teachers who attain NBC certification after June 30, 2013 are eligible to receive from the State Department of Education a $5,000 bonus only if the teacher was (1) selected for the Educational Leadership Oklahoma Program before June 30, 2013, or (2) if the teacher applied for the certification to the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards before June 30, 2013. Any teacher who receives an annual NBC bonus, regardless of whether they attained their NBC before or after June 30, 2013, is not eligible to participate in the $1,000 NBC salary increment.


  • 11.00/mo dental
  • Life insurance - 1 1/2 times employee's annual salary
  • Long Term Disability

Health Insurance:

Oklahoma statutes provide that the District shall pay health insurance premiums not to exceed the "Health Choice High" individual premium amount for each teacher (certified) who elects coverage. Teachers not electing to take health insurance through the District (provided other coverage is in force) shall be paid a taxable cash "in-lieu" payment in the amount set by statute. The HCH premium amount to be paid by the District for 2013 is $463.99 per month, for 2014 it will be $484.87 and the "in-lieu" payment amount is $69.71 per month.

Note: The School District's existing agreement provides a career increment in the amount of $1,000.00 after 20, 25, 30, 34, 37 years of creditable service. Beginning with the 1995-96 school year, teachers who complete their 20, 25, 30, and 34 years of service during the first semester will move to the appropriate career increment for the second semester. The salary adjustment will be one-half the amount indicated for the yearly career increment.

A maximum of five years will be granted on the salary schedule for prior active military service.

* Schedule 176 contract days




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